Our Farm Partners

Windflower Farm

Our primary farm partner is Windflower Farm. Windflower Farm is a small family farm located in Taconic Hill country, between the Hudson River and the Vermont border. Ted and Jan Blomgren have been growing organic vegetables and cut flowers for New York City shareholders there for more than ten years. Ted brings to Windflower Farm his training in horticulture and his experience in education. Formerly an adviser to Cornell Corporation Extension, he now farms full-time. Jan brings to the farm her experience in illustration and her training in botany.  As well, she makes superb floral arrangements. Ted and Jan’s sons contribute boundless energy, a sense of wonder, and a variety of their own different farm enterprises.

Ted and Jan’s philosophy in their own words is “Community supported agriculture (CSA) is a collaboration between farmers and the people who eat the food they grow. As Wendell Berry puts it, ‘Eating is an agricultural act.’ CSAs are a means by which people may establish a stronger relationship with the sources of their food. As farmers, we make a commitment to you to be good stewards of the land we grow your food on and to grow a wide variety of high-quality vegetables in suitable quantities for you and the people with whom you share your table. And you, the folks who eat our food, make a commitment to us and the ecological practices we use by purchasing a share in our harvest, by sharing in some of the risks (and potential bounty) associated with growing crops in the Northeast, and by paying in advance of the season for your produce. We believe that the principles of sustainable agriculture apply to every kind of farming, from the growing of the fresh vegetables and fruits that make their way to your dinner plates, to the production of the fresh-cut flowers that adorn your tables. As organic growers, we use no pesticides or synthetic fertilizers of any kind. To enrich our soils, we use cover crops, crop rotations, and compost. We are committed to careful land stewardship, ecological pest management, and a healthy environment for the people who work with us. In this way, we hope to leave our farm in good condition for future generations.”

Our Extra Share Items

Fruit Share (optional)

The fruit share runs for 20 weeks (10 weeks for the half share) and consists of Windflower Farm’s organically grown strawberries, blueberries and melons and an assortment of tree fruits grown with minimal inputs by other local growers. Fruit shares begin in the early summer with strawberries, cherries and blueberries, progress in mid-summer to include peaches, plums, nectarines, and apricots, and conclude in the fall with assorted apples, pears, and cider.

Egg Share (optional)

Beautiful brown eggs from free-range chickens grown by Windflower Farm neighbors, the Davis family. Their hens are truly pastured and their eggs are as nutritional and good-for-you as eggs can be. Golden-yolked, farm-fresh and tasty!

Maple Share (optional)

In June, August, and October, you can choose to add a selection of maple products also from the Davis family. Maple syrup, maple cream, maple sugar, and maple candy are offered.

Spring2006LewisWaiteLewis Waite Farm CSA Extras Program

Lewis Waite Farm CSA Extras program strives to connect small farms and producers to consumers within our region. They offer a single platform for you to gain access to a wide variety of farm fresh, all natural, artisanal, and organic products. Between their Extras service and our CSA shares, you can eliminate (at least greatly reduce!) the weekly trip to the grocery store.

Lewis Waite Farm CSA Extras can offer you pasture raised meat and poultry (10 kinds of meat), fresh eggs and bread, grass fed butter, yogurt and ice cream, artisan cheese from sheep, goat or cows’ milk, including aged raw milk cheeses. They offer many pantry staples, all local and naturally made: granola, fresh stone-ground organic flour, dried organic beans and grains, natural jams and chutneys, natural sweeteners, locally roasted organic coffee, apple cider vinegar, and more. You can see a complete list on their website at www.csalewiswaitefarm.com.

Orders are placed via their online platform, you pay as you go, and order only what you want. Orders are delivered directly to our CSA on a once a month schedule. Members of the CSA will receive information on how to register and place their orders as a Central Brooklyn CSA Member on the Lewis Waite website.

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